The Chest Essential It is an innovative solution for finishes -handed retractable sliding doors, which integrate perfectly with the walls, creating a clean and elegant filomide effect. In this guide we will see how to buy an essential casket extensively.

1. Choose the type of door

The Essential casket is available for both sliding doors and swing doors, both without cover frame. It is possible to choose between different finishes, materials and types of glass, according to the needs and style of furniture.

2. Check the measures

Before buying an Essential Scrigno, it is important to check the measures of the compartment where it will be installed. Scrigno offers several options of size and size, but you need to pay attention to avoid measuring errors.

3. Buy the counterframe

To install an Essential Scrigno, it is necessary to buy the compatible counterframe with the chosen door. Scrigno offers different counter -iteolio solutions, such as the Essential Scrignia sliding single plaster, which is ideal for retractable sliding doors.

4. Buy accessories

In addition to the counterframe, it is possible to buy various accessories to customize and complete the installation of the Essential Scrigna, such as handles, cover, guides for scrolling and locks.

5. Check the warranty

Scrigno is synonymous with quality and warranty, and offers a twenty years guarantee against the breaks of the trolley kit and for the scrolling guide. Before purchasing an Essential Scrigno, it is important to check the warranty and the presence of the original brand on the counterframe and on the sliding guide.

Contacting a professional: for the installation of an Essential casket it is advisable to contact a professional in the sector, in order to guarantee a correct and safe installation.

In summary, to buy an Essential Scrigno it is necessary to choose the type of door, check the measures of the compartment, buy the counterframe and accessories, check the warranty offered and contact a professional for installation.

If you want acquire a Scrignno Essential, you can find a wide selection of products on Emmetistore at the following link: