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Structural mortar Fassa Sisma R4 25kg

Pallet: 48 bags

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Price120,00 lei Price135,00 lei


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Structural Malta Fassa Earthquake R4 It is a polymer-modified and fibre-reinforced with high adhesion specific as an inorganic matrix for FRCM systems.


Fassa Sisma R4 structural mortar has a 28-day compressive strength of ≥ 45 N/mm².

SISMA R2 is used as mortar for the creation of FRCM systems in the reinforcement of masonry elements (jams, vaults, etc.) made of bricks, stone and tuff and in the consolidation of brick infill walls and partitions.

The mortar is applied in combination with alkali-resistant glass fibre mesh FASSANET ZR 185.

SISMA R4 is also used for the repair and smoothing of rough concrete surfaces and wall facings.


Special bags with moisture protection of approx. 25 kg


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