
Coat System

41 products

View 1 - 41 Of 41 products

Ideal for both new and existing buildings, the Fassatherm® coat system is a true thermal coating for buildings.

View 1 - 41 Of 41 products
Lastra Fassa EPS 70 grafite
PriceStarting from 30,00 lei
Fassa EPS 70 graphite sheetFASSA BORTOLO Delivery in 8/10 days
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Lastra Swisspor EPS 100 grafite 031
PriceStarting from 11,00 lei
Swisspor EPS 100 graphite 031 sheetSWISSPOR Delivery in 8/10 days
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Lastra Fassa Resphira 031
PriceStarting from 79,00 lei
Fassa Resphira 031 slabFASSA BORTOLO Delivery in 8/10 days
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Lastra Fassa Roccia 034
PriceStarting from 91,00 lei
Fassa Rock Slab 034FASSA BORTOLO Delivery in 8/10 days
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Colla Rasante Fassa A96 25kg
PriceStarting from 94,00 lei
Fassa A96 Smoothing Glue 25kgFASSA BORTOLO Delivery in 1/2 days
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Colla Rasante Fassa A96 Resphira 25kg
Price122,00 lei Price127,00 lei
Fassa A96 Resphira Smoothing Glue 25kgFASSA BORTOLO Delivery in 1/2 days
Rete Fassanet160 Mq 50
Price340,00 lei Price381,00 lei
Fassanet Network 160 sqm 50FASSA Delivery in 1/2 days
Rondella Fassa Grafite
Price87,00 lei
Fassa Graphite WasherFASSA Delivery in 1/2 days
Rondella Fassa Roccia
Price102,00 lei
Fassa Rock WasherFASSA Delivery in 1/2 days
Tassello Fassa Combi Fix Plus
PriceStarting from 158,00 lei
Fassa Combi Fix Plus AnchorFASSA Delivery in 1/2 days
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Tassello Fassa Top Fix 2G
PriceStarting from 274,00 lei
Fassa Top Fix 2G anchorFASSA Delivery in 1/2 days
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Tassello Cappotto Akifix Ferrakifix
PriceStarting from 183,00 lei
Coat Tile Akifix FerrakifixAKIFIX Delivery in 1/2 days
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Utensile per montaggio Fassa Top Fix 2G
Price706,00 lei
Fassa Top Fix 2G assembly toolFASSA Delivery in 1/2 days
Paraspigolo Fassa in PVC 8/12
Price26,00 lei
Fassa PVC corner guard 8/12FASSA Delivery in 1/2 days
Carichi Leggeri Fassa Iso Dart
Price41,00 lei
Fassa Iso Dart Light LoadsFASSA Delivery in 8/10 days
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Fassa Profilo di partenza in alluminio
PriceStarting from 72,00 lei
Fassa Aluminium starting profileFASSA Delivery in 8/10 days
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Colla Rasante Fassa A50 25kg
Price125,00 lei Price132,00 lei
Fassa A50 Smoothing Glue 25kgFASSA BORTOLO Delivery in 1/2 days
Colla Rasante Alleggerito Fassa AL88 25kg
Price140,00 lei Price146,00 lei
Fassa AL88 Lightweight Smoothing Glue 25kgFASSA BORTOLO Delivery in 1/2 days
Colla Rasante Fassa Basecoll
Price483,00 lei Price508,00 lei
Fassa Basecoll Smoothing GlueFASSA BORTOLO
Delivery in 1/2 days
Rasante Fassa Flexytherm11
Price411,00 lei Price413,00 lei
Fassa Flexytherm11 plasterFASSA Delivery in 1/2 days
Fissativo Acril Silossanico Fassa FX526
PriceStarting from 198,00 lei Price284,00 lei
Fassa FX526 Acrylic Siloxane FixativeFASSA Delivery in 1/2 days
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Intonachino Fassa RTA549 Bianco
Price300,00 lei Price310,00 lei
Fassa RTA549 White PlasterFASSA Delivery in 1/2 days
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Intonachino Fassa RX561 Bianco
Price351,00 lei
Fassa RX561 White PlasterFASSA Delivery in 1/2 days
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Fondo Riempitivo Fassa F263A
(1 Recensione)
PriceStarting from 163,00 lei
Fassa F263A Filling BaseFASSA Delivery in 8/10 days
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Tagliacappotto Abc Sistemcut
Price5.201,00 lei Price5.323,00 lei
Abc Sistemcut Coat CutterABC SYSTEM Delivery in 8/10 days
Taglierina Fassa EXTM per EPS
Price9.707,00 lei
Fassa EXTM Cutter for EPSFASSA Delivery in 8/10 days
Fassa K1-PE
(1 Recensione)
PriceStarting from 285,00 lei
Fassa K1-PEFASSA Delivery in 8/10 days
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Fassa UMP-ALU-TR 238x138
PriceStarting from 675,00 lei
Fassa UMP-ALU-TR 238x138FASSA Delivery in 8/10 days
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Fassa TRA-WIK-ALU-RL 280x125
PriceStarting from 249,00 lei
Fassa TRA-WIK-ALU-RL 280x125FASSA Worn out
Abc Coltello a Caldo
Price990,00 lei
Abc Hot KnifeABC SYSTEM Delivery in 8/10 days
Intonaco Termoisolante Fassa Thermobenessere 6kg
Tagliacappotto Rothenberger 190W
Price1.345,00 lei
Coat cutter Rothenberger 190WROTHENBERGER Delivery in 1/2 days
Lastra Swisspor EPS 100 grafite 030
PriceStarting from 64,00 lei
Swisspor EPS 100 graphite 030 sheetSWISSPOR Delivery in 8/10 days
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Coltello a Caldo Akifix NAF33100 190W
Price655,00 lei
Hot Knife Akifix NAF33100 190WAKIFIX Delivery in 1/2 days
Taglierina a caldo Akifix per taglio polistirolo
(4 Recensioni)
Price2.177,00 lei Price2.532,00 lei
Hot cutter Akifix for cutting polystyreneAKIFIX Delivery in 1/2 days
Fissativo Silossanico Fassa FS412
Price655,00 lei Price736,00 lei
Fassa FS412 Siloxane FixativeFASSA Delivery in 1/2 days
Cappotto termo isolante Bifire Vacunanex
Price675,00 lei
Bifire Vacunanex thermal insulating coatBIFIRE Delivery in 8/10 days
Fondo Riempitivo Fassa F Ground 07 fibrorinforzato
Price635,00 lei Price746,00 lei
Fassa F Ground 07 Fibre-Reinforced Filling BaseFASSA Delivery in 1/2 days
Colla Rasante Mapei Mapetherm AR1 GG Grigio 25KG
Price99,00 lei Price127,00 lei
Smoothing Glue Mapei Mapetherm AR1 GG Grey 25KGMAPEI Delivery in 1/2 days
Colla Rasante Mapei Mapetherm AR1 Maxi GG Grigio 25KG
Price86,00 lei Price127,00 lei
Smoothing Glue Mapei Mapetherm AR1 Maxi GG Gray 25KGMAPEI Delivery in 1/2 days
Intonachino Fassa RSR421 Bianco
Price584,00 lei Price650,00 lei
Fassa RSR421 White PlasterFASSA Delivery in 1/2 days
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Coat System

Coat System: Effective Thermal Insulation for Your Building on

The Sistema Cappotto collection on offers you complete solutions for the thermal insulation of buildings, both for new constructions and for existing buildings. The Fassatherm® Sistema Cappotto available on is an ideal choice for improving the energy efficiency and living comfort of your building. Discover the advantages of this thermal insulation solution.

Description of the Fassatherm® Coating System

The Fassatherm® Coating System is a complete thermal coating designed to provide effective thermal insulation to buildings. This system is designed to ensure safe insulation from heat and cold, helping to improve living comfort and reduce energy costs. The use of the Fassatherm® Coating System can also help reduce the environmental impact of the building, promoting the sustainability of construction.

Advantages of the Fassatherm® Coating System

The Fassatherm® Coating System offers numerous advantages for buildings, including:

  1. Effective thermal insulation: The Fassatherm® Coating System offers high-quality thermal insulation, reducing heat loss in winter and limiting heat entry in summer. This helps improve living comfort and reduce the need for heating and cooling, allowing for significant energy savings.
  2. Saving on energy costs: Thanks to the thermal insulation provided by the Coat System, it is possible to reduce the energy costs of the building. The reduction of heat loss allows a more efficient use of the heating and cooling system, thus reducing energy bills.
  3. Living comfort: The Fassatherm® Coating System contributes to improving the living comfort of the building. By maintaining a more constant internal temperature, it reduces temperature variations and creates a more pleasant and welcoming environment for the building's occupants.
  4. Sustainability: By using the Fassatherm® Coating System, you contribute to the sustainability of buildings. The energy efficiency of the building reduces the environmental impact resulting from the use of non-renewable energy, promoting a more sustainable environment.

Using the Coat System

The Fassatherm® Coating System can be used for both new constructions and existing buildings. This complete thermal coating can be applied to different types of buildings, providing effective thermal protection and improving the overall energy efficiency of the building. The use of the Fassatherm® Coating System helps to obtain long-lasting and high-quality results in the thermal insulation of buildings.

If you are looking for an effective solution for the thermal insulation of your building, the Fassatherm® Coating System available on could be the ideal choice. Discover the Coating System collection on to find the products and solutions that meet your thermal insulation needs.